Advanced Development Workshop in Amsterdam for the NL Film Fund

I’m back from sunny Amsterdam, where I had the pleasure of delivering my Advanced Development Workshop to a lovely group of very experienced Dutch filmmakers. Many thanks to Doreen Boonekamp and Gitta Kruisbrink from the Netherlands Film FundĀ and to Jacobine van der Vloed and the ACE Producers team, who made this event happen.

At the end of the workshop, we had a series of one to one meetings, which is always a great opportunity to get to know some of the participants better and try to help them move their project forward.

The feedback from the workshop is overwhelmingly positive (I’m still blushing!), so thanks everyone for your kind words, spoken or written.

Here are a few testimonials from the participants of this workshop over the years:

Very thorough understanding of the inner workings of our craft.

True value for money. Well-suited for advancing and advanced screenwriters, including successful ones and those who think they have heard or read it all before. Donā€™t expect a gospel from a preacher or a showman. Oberg is a modest man who clearly resists becoming the next screenplay guru. Yet he delivers an amazing, almost complete and very thorough understanding of the inner workings of our craft, guaranteed to spark fresh thoughts that will benefit your next project, no matter how experienced you are. And there is a big bonus. The screenplay business is a fickle mistress that can often leave you frustrated. Oberg makes you remember why you fell in love with her in the first place and he makes you fall in love all over again. [Advanced Development Workshop for the Netherlands Film Fund]

Mike van Diem

An analytical but flexible approach.

Emmanuel Oberg’s workshop was very inspiring and eye opening. Three days with an intensive focus on storytelling in the broadest sense where existing models of structuring a screenplay were questioned.
Emmanuel’s wider perspective is at the same time very detailed. Both the workshop and the book provides useful tools and makes you reflect on what can be the best path for your story to flourish. It’s also an encouragement to an analytical but flexible approach of your story without being dogmatic. [Advanced Development Workshop for the Netherlands Film Fund]

Ellen Hoffmann

Very inspiring.

I found the 3-day advanced workshop very inspiring. Emmanuel has no dogmas unlike other scriptwriting gurus. He is an ego-less gentle open-minded teacher, who does not place himself above his students. He is very intelligent, but also emotional, spiritual and funny. Above all very positive. His tools are practical, but do not interfere with your writing flow. It’s all about the balance between knowing and not knowing, combining heart and head. I would advise every screenwriter to do this workshop, especially when you want to (re)discover your originality and talent. [Advanced Development Workshop for the Netherlands Film Fund].

Karen van Holst Pellekaan
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