Following my involvement as a trainer, speaker and creative consultant in the Irish Film & Television industry over the last few years, I was invited by Laurence Knell of Strategic Innovation Partners to contribute to the case studies for a report on digital transformation commissioned by Cultural and Creative Industries Skillnet and Skillnet Ireland.
The case study on Screenplay Unlimited in the report explores how we moved a large part of our live, in-person training online during the pandemic, before creating a bespoke interactive platform for our self-led online courses and live workshops on screenwriting and script development. It provides a detailed behind-the-scenes view of the whole process.
I found the full report fascinating, learning a lot from the challenges and transformations described by the other contributors such as Cartoon Saloon, Murphy Geospacial, Hi Res and The Irish Film Institute — it’s humbling to be featured alongside them.
So huge thanks to Laurence Knell for inviting me to contribute and to all involved in the commissioning and production of this report, especially Gareth Lee, Grainne Bennett and Barbara Deignan with whom I’ve had the great pleasure to work over the last few years.