Karla Stojakova is an experienced ACE Producer from the Czech Republic. We did a workshop with Film Kolektiv together a couple of years ago in Prague and when she started working at FAMU, the renowned film school, as Head of the Production Department, she kindly asked me to design a presentation for her Masters students.
Given how much I owe to Frank Daniel, who taught screenwriting at FAMU (along with Miloš Forman) before moving to Columbia University in New York, I was delighted to follow in such illustrious footsteps, even if only virtually.
Despite a few COVID-related setbacks, we managed to put together an introduction to the Story-Type Method that covered the first half day of my Advanced Development Workshop (or the first 60 pages of Screenwriting Unchained). We hope to deliver the rest next year.
This first session took place online last Friday and was followed by a lively Q&A, where I had the pleasure to meet Karla’s students and some of the teachers at FAMU.
We had a great time, here is how Karla summed up the feedback from the participants:
Many thanks to Karla Stojakova and to FAMU for making this first part of the workshop happen, I'm looking forward to our next session!